Friday, October 9, 2009

Blog update: Links, Twitter, no MySpace

Did a little housekeeping on the blog page today and yesterday.

The links (at the bottom) were hard to read and mostly outdated. The only one that survived is my YouTube channel. The rest are now irrelevant and as such were removed. I've added the link to my account on that shows all the songs we have, and how many, sortable by song title, artist/band, year of release, genre, difficulty on each instrument, and the date it was added to the PlayStation Network (the owner uses those dates, I guess he has a PS3).

Also, the colors made the links hard to read. Just tweaked a couple settings to make it easier.

MySpace updates gone and replaced with Twitter. Only three tweets displayed at the moment, but I don't update it much. Also a link to "follow" me. I don't do "follow quid pro quo"; rather, I only follow interesting Tweeters. Follow me if you like but don't be surprised if I don't re-follow or whatever. I'm not really into the numbers, anyway.

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